journey through nature

images of Australia’s wild landscapes
stories that document place and nature


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Who we are

Craig (Cas) Fardell has been photographing wild and remote places for more than 30 years having been a whitewater rafting, bushwalking and adventure guide forever. Chris (Chrissy) Armstrong began her writing career as a newspaper journalist and publicist. She is also a published and award winning writer in the genres of fiction and poetry as well as working as a bushwalking guide. The pair’s adventure stories and pictures have appeared in numerous magazines in Australia and the UK. Individually, Craig’s photos grace information boards, brochures, reference books, annual reports, even gaming platforms. Chris’s writing can be found stitching together websites and promotional materials for unique creative enterprises through to mainstream businesses. Her creative work has also won prizes and appeared in literary magazines in Australia and overseas.  

Our philosophy

awildland began as a collaborative blog - a place for us to hone our crafts and express our love of adventure, exploration and the Australian landscape. From 2014 until 2024 it could be found only at where it grew into a respected repository of adventure stories from around Australia, including hiking, canyoning, sea kayaking, rafting, pack rafting and bike touring. The original motivation for awildland hasn’t changed. But, the development of a dedicated website, in 2024, offers the chance for us to evolve the delivery and concept. Through our respective crafts, we will continue to document Australia’s amazing landscapes; its natural wonders and the opportunities it offers to those needing a return to the most important thing in life - this wild land. 

some of our stories and images…